CFNA (old) News - 5/5/2005
- [04/06/05] There will be a meeting of the CFNA Board April 12th at the Naperville Township offices, 139 Water Street (note that the Main Street Bridge is closed). You can download a proxy/ballot form to send to the Board by April 11 if you cannot attend.
- [03/17/05] Annual CF Easter Egg Hunt:
WHERE: Century Farms Park
WHEN: Saturday, March 26th, 2005
TIME: 9:00 AM Sharp to place your eggs in the age-appropriate area
WHAT: Please bring 15 filled plastic eggs per child attending. Make sure candy is wrapped. You may want to bring a basket to hold eggs and a camera for all the smiling faces!
NEW THIS YEAR: Please bring a canned food item to donate to Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry
Looking forward to having as much fun as we did last year! See you there. Connie McCormick, Julie Liberio, Michelle Dorin & Anita Tekriwal - [02/24/05] There will be three meetings on Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at The Naperville Township Offices locate at 139 Water Street, the first meeting will begin promptly at 7 p.m. The final meeting is scheduled for completion by 9 p.m. Another meeting notice will be mailed out shortly before the meetings which will include topics for the agenda. If you have a topic that you wish to discuss, please email the board at no later than March 11, 2005 for its consideration.
- [12/10/04] Be sure to attend the 2004 Century Farms 2nd Annual Holiday Expo, 11 am-5 pm, Saturday 12/11/2004 in 647 Century Farm Lane. Do your holiday shopping here.
- [11/24/04] There will be a Regular Board Meeting of the CFNA on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 at The Naperville Township Offices located at 139 Water Street. The meeting will begin promptly at 7 p.m. and is scheduled for completion by 9 p.m.
- [10/20/04] Just a reminder that our First Annual Pumpkin Carving Fest is this Sunday at 12 p.m. in the park. Bring your pumpkins and carving tools, and get ready for fun! Please also bring a trash bag to put your pumpkin remains in. Don't forget your cameras.
CFNA (old) News - 9/20/2004
- [09/20/04] The CF Social Committee is looking for vendors to participate in the First Annual Century Farms One Stop Holiday Shopping on November 20th from 12 to 5:00 pm. We would like to see vendors with arts and crafts or gift items for the holidays. In order to see if this event will benefit the community we need to get responses from both vendors and shoppers. As a community how will you participate? Please cast your vote so we can plan this event appropriately.
- [08/31/04]
There will be a two-hour Regular Board Meeting of the CFNA at 7 pm on Tues,
Sep. 21, 2004 at The Naperville Township Offices (139 Water Street).
The preliminary agenda:
- Results of CFNA Audit by Cray Kaiser.
- Reserve Study Preliminary Report.
- Raisanen and Associates progress on pond study.
- Address the small pond to resolve current challenges?
- Landscape Guidelines Progress.
- Landscape Estimates for adding trees along fence by Target.
- Cemetery Committee updates.
- Neighborhood Watch and Directory update
- 2005 Budget . Process and Timeline
- How can we improve the Newsletter?
- Future Events at Century Farms and their promotion.
- Board Members Responsibilities.
- [08/29/04] The First Century Farms Business Expo is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 19th (rain date: Sunday, Sept. 26th) from 10 AM-2 PM at the CF Park. Contact Jackie Verfurth at 630/428-4286 to register for space at the Expo. Participation is limited to CF residents only.
- [07/29/04] The summer CFNA Newsletter is now available for download (6.7Mb!)
- [07/22/04] Target is planning their grand opening for Saturday July 24th. The sign on the store had today's date so perhaps it is open today but their official grand opening is scheduled for Saturday.
- [07/21/04] THE FIRST ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD NIGHT OUT AND ICE CREAM SOCIAL EVENT will take place on Tuesday August 3rd at our very own Century Farms park.
- [07/21/04] The third CF Annual Garage Sale is going to take place on August 7 and 8. We need you to rregisterand your registration fee of $10 to cover ads and signs.
- [06/28/04] Those wanting to advertise in the upcoming CFNA newsletter should submit this form
- [06/28/04] Neighborhood Watch Block Captains - there will be a meeting at the Township Offices on July 8th from 7 to 8 pm.
- [06/28/04] National Night Out - August 3rd from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
- [06/28/04] Garage Sale - August 7th and 8th from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
- [06/28/04] The Naperville Police Department and the Naperville Junior Woman's Club are seeking volunteers to create a safer neighborhood for our children by joining the Helping Hand program.
- [06/28/04] See the articles from the City of Naperville with reminders about city services and rules.
- [06/28/04] Please come to the
1st Annual Fourth of July Bike Parade
Where: Century Farms Park (Meet at the gazebo)
We will be parading through our neighborhood on a designated route. Come and join the fun!! (Julie Liberio)
When: July 4, 2004 at 9:00 am
What to bring: All of your family members with bikes, scooters, wagons, big wheels, strollers roller blades or skate boards festively decorated for the 4th of July!! - [05/01/04] The 04/06/04 CFNA Annual Board meeting minutes are now also available thanks to Twila Hughes.
- [04/29/04] The 04/06/04 CFNA Board meeting minutes are now available courtesy of Diane Barbret.
- [04/22/04] Mary Beth Nagai has resigned from the CFNA Board; Mitch Friedman takes her place as Treasurer. The CFNA Board thanks Mary Beth for her fine service to our community.
- [04/19/04] The Naperville Park District invites you to celebrate the opening of the Century Farms Playground for our playground (715 Sigmund Road) on April 26, 2004 (Monday), from 4:00 - 4:30 p.m! Enjoy refreshments, meet Seemore the Park Watch mascot and try out our new play equipment at this celebration.
- [04/09/04] The meetings on April 6th were successfully held. Read the unofficial notes (if you are a CFNA member) from the meeting to gain a better understanding of issues like the discussion about proposed landscaping guidelines. Dale Simonson, Fran Bixler and Twyla Hughes were elected; Paul Dorin and Diane Barbret step down from their offices, with thanks from the CFNA Board for their service.
- [04/03/04] An easter egg hunt has been scheduled for 9 AM (sharp!) April 10th in the Century Farms Park. Bring your own basket. For each child attending, we ask that you contribute 15 plastic eggs filled with candy, a small toy, stickers or the like. Preparation will begin at 9:00 AM when the parents will lay out the eggs in the appropriate area (divided by age). Each child can then collect up to 15 eggs each. Questions? Contact Julie Liberio or Connie McCormick-Puccinelli.
- [04/02/04] Please return your proxy for the 04/06/04 meeting or else let the board know you will attend. Unless at least 52 members are present or proxied, it will be impossible to conduct the election.
- [03/31/04] The Naperville Park District has scheduled a Playground Opening/Ribbon Cutting event for our playground on April 26, 2004, at 4:00 p.m!
- [03/13/04] There will be three meetings Tuesday, April 6, 2004 at
the Naperville Township Offices (located at 139 Water St) beginning at 7 pm
and ending by 9 pm:
- Regular CFNA board meeting
- 2004 Annual CFNA Members mtg: Election of new board members
- 2004 Annual CFNA board mtg
- [01/23/04] There will be a Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation Trade Show January 31st (See the newsletters courtesy of Bob Irvine)
- [12/16/03] The CFNA Board meeting minutes from 12/10 are now available (see below). The meeting covered: 2004-2005 budget, small pond algae problem, audit, and the landcape contract.
- [11/15/03] the next Century Farms Neighborhood Association meeting is December 10th, 7-8 pm at the Fire Station No. 3. The agenda includes a look at the 2004 budget (Excel). Please reserve your spot if you are planning to attend.
- [11/08/03] Help out the Breast Cancer Site fund 250 free mammograms for women in need (From Fran Bixler)
- [07/21/03] From Fran Bixler: Here is a good Home Maintenance Schedule (from
- [07/20/03] From Bob Irvine: Here is a link to the Naperville web site with information about their tree replacement program (the city will pay 50% of the cost of the tree). Or call the Department of Public Works at 420-6095.
- [07/17/03] There will be a CFNA Board meeting at Diane Barbret's home July 23, 2003, 7-8 pm. To reserve your space send e-mail to cfna-board. New business includes re-establishing the committees and discussing the Wild flower/Common areas.
- [07/09/03] The January 2003 newsletter is now available online. Watch this space for the next issue; contact Fran Bixler to contribute stories/photos.
- [06/27/03] Just a reminder: OVERNIGHT PARKING RESTRICTIONS. The Naperville Police Department wants to remind residents that overnight parking is prohibited on any city street or alley. Residents are asked not to park vehicles on any street or alley between 2-5 a.m. If a situation, such as car trouble, home construction or overnight guests, requires you to leave a vehicle parked on the street overnight, please contact the police department to seek permission. For more information or to receive a copy of the Overnight Parking Ordinance, please call 420-6157.
- [06/07/03] Pictures from the ground-breaking ceremony for our new park are now available. More will be added soon.
- [04/17/03] The 03/20/03 CFNA Board meeting minutes (HTML; and Word) are now available, courtesy of Fran Bixler.
- [04/15/03] Note that the Witness Statement Alleging Violation form has been newly linked into the Documents box below. Use this form to report CFNA Bylaw/Rules violations to the Board
- [03/10/03] The elections meeting for the CFNA board will be Thursday, March 20, 2003 at the Number 3 Fire Station at 1803 N. Washington (corner of Washington and Diehl) from 7-9 pm. Those not planning to attend should please deposit your proxies to the Proxy Box at 1608 Mohler Ct by the mailbox or send them to CFNA c/o Fran Bixler, 1608 Mohler Court, Naperville, IL 60563. Contact the CFNA Board if you have any questions or if you are planning on attending the meeting. In addition to the elections, there will be discussions of the buildings planned for the Super Target constructions.
- [02/24/03] Read this Naperville Sun Times article about the recent public hearings with Warrenville and Target. (jpg; thanks to Koji Nagai)
- [02/19/03] See the 1:30 scale drawing of the playground area ( also available with annotations) from the 2/19 NPD Planning meeting. The Tikes of Steel are being replaced by an additional two belt swings, a merry-go-round, a multi-pondo and a Tikes Peak. A basketball half court with a tennis backboard is likely in the following year (along with several more trees). Tennis courts, if approved, would go into Nike Park (probably in a following year). Thanks to everyone who voted. Thanks especially to Kristiana, Rishaly, Ammir, Annie, Stephanie, Brandon T., Tiffany, Bradly, Alex, Katie, Justin and Nina for their votes on the playground equipment.
- [02/19/03] Diane McManigal brought this scary news (, item 5B) about a Super Target coming next door to Lifetime Fitness. Roger Jia shared that there will be a public hearing on this matter Thursday 2/20/03 7:00pm at the Warrenville Municipal Building, 28 W 701 Stafford Place, Warrenville, IL 60555.
- [02/16/03] Vote on your favorite pieces of playground equipment/park amenities. If you don't see your favorite, let me know and I'll add it. Results due by 4 pm Wednesday.
- [02/14/03] PLAYGROUND FINAL MEETING (open format) Wednesday, February 19 - 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Alfred Rubin Community Center, Room 201. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to Karen Hofstra, Department of Park Planning and Development, Npaerville Park District, 320 W. Jackson Ave., Naperville, IL 60540: 848-5017 (phone), 848-5019 fax.
- [02/06/03] View the Little Tykes playground components and see the options list from the Naperville Park District (contributed by Fran Bixler)
- [01/29/03] Notes from the meeting with the Naperville Park District plus pictures of the park layout (size=306 kb) and the playground layout (size=292 kb). Residents should go to the NPD office to see the proposals and express their vote/opinions by February 6th.
- [01/28/03] Sign the petition to add tennis courts, a volleyball court and/or a basketball court to our CF park. We need to get to 100 votes to make a big impact.
- [01/28/03] Fran Bixler has shared an update on the District 203 Referendum
- [01/28/03] Elections for CFNA Board membership are coming up (March 20). Please consider serving our community by filling out a form (Word; also available as text and RTF) and returning it to the CFNA Board by February 15th at the latest.
- [01/28/03] We need people to chair several committees: architectural, financial and social
- [01/28/03] ATTENTION! Your input is valued! The Naperville Park District meets Wed., Jan. 29, 6-7 pm at the Alfred Rubin Community Center 305 W. Jackson, Room 205. Participants will get to influence what goes into our park! RSVP to Debi @ 848-5011
- [01/27/03] The first CFNA newsletter is out; please e-mail the board with your comments or if you would like to help out with the next one.
- [01/08/03] Thanks to Bob Irvine, the CFNA Bylaws, Declaration and Declaration with exhibits are now available in PDF form (see CFNA Documents box below)
- [12/18/02] See the 11/25/02 CFNA Board meeting minutes and CFNA Ponds committee report (PDF)
- [11/25/02] Anna Budnik, treasurer, has posted the 2003 CFNA Budget (Excel; also available in HTML)
- [11/22/02] Rob Koss, chair of the Safety and Traffic Committee, shares some news on traffic and safety issues for Century Farms
- [11/13/02] See this update on the park by Aimee Olsen.
- [11/13/02] The next CFNA meeting will be Monday, Nov 25, 2002, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM, Naperville Township Offices, 139 Water Street. Please e-mail the board with your reservation request.
- [09/04/02] The website is back online and now hosted through We received a full $189 refund from our previous site host company and have applied $120 to a one-year term with dreamhost. As time permits, many changes will be coming to this site.
- [08/20/02] There was a public hearing August 22 (Thursday) at 7 pm, Warrenville Municipal Building about a petition to redesignate portions of the property north of our subdivision.
- [08/02/02] The results of the unofficial fence survey are now available.
- [07/23/02] View the 05/09/01 CFNA Board Resolution on Fences.
- [07/10/02] There was a public hearing July 13th in the Council Chambers (Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle) to allow the public to comment on the Air Quality and Noise Management Plan, the Arterial Landscaping Plan and the Parking Plan. See the City of Naperville transportation plan. /li>
- [06/23/02] The CFNA board invites homeowners to visit the wildflower prairie paths off William Penn, established in the spring of 2001 to keep the area free of noxious weeds.
- [06/14/02] The results from last year's survey on fences are now available online (MS Word).
- [04/20/02] CFNA Rules and Regulations (PDF; also available in Word)
- [04/08/02] See the Witness Statement Alleging Violation form (PDF; also available in MS Word) CFNA members can use this form to report CFNA CCR&E, bylaws or rules violations.
- [02/24/02] There is a good update on available IP access from 2/18 on the city of Naperville site. Also see our updated links page.
- [11/06/01] Final 2002 Budget
CFNA (old) News - 7/09/2003
CFNA (old) News - 6/07/2003
- [06/03/03] If anyone would like to witness the official ground breaking for the park, it will be held this Thursday, June 5 at 11:30 am. The rain date will be Friday, June 6th at the same time. (Fran Bixler)
- [05/10/03] Wednesday, May 14, 6-8 pm at the Admin Bldg, 320 W. Jackson, downstairs in the board room there will be a meeting to determine the elements of the Riverwalk Park playground. Call Debi at 848-5011 for more information.
- [04/28/03] The ponds and ground committee is having a meeting on
April 29, Tuesday at 7:30 pm at Diane Barbret's home (1515 William Penn
Drive). They are looking for active volunteers who would like to make a
difference in enhancing our neighborhood.
Topics of discussion:
- Fishing
- removal of pond willows
- erosion control
- picnic tables
- sign for walking trail
- need for leveling of entrance to trail off William Penn
- community bonfire to burn brush
- aerator need for south pond
- mulch around parkway trees
- reseeding of bare spots in wildflowers
- other needs
CFNA (old) News - 11/13/2002
The Board holds periodic meetings, all of which are open to Century Farms Home owners. Below are scheduled board meetings and other CFNA events and news.
- [11/13/02] The next CFNA meeting will be Monday, Nov 25, 2002, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM, Naperville Township Offices, 139 Water Street. Please e-mail the board with your reservation request.
- [10/08/02] The CFNA Bylaws are now available online (about 5.3Mb in size)
- [09/04/02] The website is back online and now hosted through We received a full $189 refund from our previous site host company and have applied $120 to a one-year term with dreamhost. As time permits, many changes will be coming to this site.
- [08/20/02] There was a public hearing August 22 (Thursday) at 7 pm, Warrenville Municipal Building about a petition to redesignate portions of the property north of our subdivision.
- [08/02/02] The results of the unofficial fence survey are now available.
- [07/23/02] View the 05/09/01 CFNA Board Resolution on Fences.
- [07/10/02] There was a public hearing July 13th in the Council Chambers (Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle) to allow the public to comment on the Air Quality and Noise Management Plan, the Arterial Landscaping Plan and the Parking Plan. See the City of Naperville transportation plan. /li>
- [06/23/02] The CFNA board invites homeowners to visit the wildflower prairie paths off William Penn, established in the spring of 2001 to keep the area free of noxious weeds.
- [06/14/02] The results from last year's survey on fences are now available online (MS Word).
- [04/20/02] CFNA Rules and Regulations (PDF; also available in Word)
- [04/08/02] See the Witness Statement Alleging Violation form (PDF; also available in MS Word) CFNA members can use this form to report CFNA CCR&E, bylaws or rules violations.
- [02/24/02] There is a good update on available IP access from 2/18 on the city of Naperville site. Also see our updated links page.
- [11/06/01] Final 2002 Budget
CFNA (old) News - 3/6/2001
Two new board members will be elected; there will also be discussion about the fence issue and some neighborhood rules.