Shamrock Fun Run

Yes, indeed laddies and lassies. Our grandest day is fast approachin'. Don't forget to come to the first annual Shamrock Run tomorrow at 8 am at the gazebo in Century Farms Park. You may wear a silly costume, or just yer usual garb.

You can run, walk, bike or stumble. Cats, rats, elephants, kids, and unicorns are welcome. I will ask for a volunteer to keep time, in case anyone wants to time their run.

The entire run will be done on the sidewalk, but we will have to cross a few streets, so please be careful and help each other. I will ask for volunteers to help at the few crossings. Be sure to dress for the weather. There will be green non alcoholic beverages served in gazebo afterward. If I can get my boom box to work, we'll have some Irish tunes as well.

If time allows, I'll post some signs in the neighborhood, so the official route will be clear.

The official 5 K route is posted below. If you'd rather do something a bit more pedestrian, go 3 times 'round the block defined by Commons, Sigmund and William Penn, then jump and down a few times. That'll surely be the caloric equivalent of a 5 K.

Here's the official 5K route:

Exit north exit of gazebo
Quick right onto the sidewalk on Commons
Cross Commons at the corner of Sigmund and Commons
Left onto Commons
Right at corner onto Connestoga
Right at corner onto Century Farms Lane
Cross Commons again and continue down Century Farms Lane and 'round Cocalico Ct.
cul de sac and continue till Century Farms Lane ends at William Penn
Right onto William Penn
(one mile mark will be at about 1528 William Penn, on your right.)
Take William Penn to the end, Turn Right onto Commons
Take commons to Sigmund, Turn Right onto Sigmund
Take Sigmund to the end, Turn Left onto William Penn
Take William Penn to the end
(two mile mark will be near corner of William Penn and Erb Farm.  )
Turn right onto Erb Farm Ct. and go 'round cul de sac, exit cul de sac and go
(Note: if you wanna get a real feel for the Irish countryside and all the mud therein, run 'round pond 3. That'll add 0.4 miles to your run, give or take. It's very muddy!!!)

Take Erb Farm to the end and turn right onto Century Farms Lane Go 'round Nicholas Ct. Continue on Century Farms Lane to Commons, Turn left Return to gazebo

Come on out and have some fun. If you've slipped a bit on your New Year's resolutions, now's the time to start getting back into shape!

Sean Flaherty