July 8, 2006 Dear Neighbors, Ian Carrus has recently announced his resignation as President of the Century Farms Neighborhood Association. Please join us in showing him our appreciation for the time he has devoted to making Century Farms a better place to live. Through his leadership, the association has taken a proactive role in pond management; expanded our rules and regulations to include minimum landscaping standards as well as heralding the still challenging issue of blowing refuse. When you see Ian around the neighborhood, please thank him for the time he dedicated to our community. Our neighborhood association declarations require a minimum of 5 board members. The by-laws outline the procedures for a situation like this when we need to replace a board member mid-term. Specifically: "A successor to fill the unexpired term of a Director who resigns or is removed may be appointed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the remaining Directors to serve until the next meeting of the Owners or for a period terminating no later than 30 days following the filing of a petition signed by the Owners holding 20% of the votes of the Association requesting a meeting of the Owners to fill the vacancy for the balance of the term. Such meeting of the Owners shall be called for purposes of filling a vacancy on the Board no later than 30 days following the filing of a petition signed by the Owners holding 20% of the votes of the Association requesting such a meeting." Per these by-laws, the board will be appointing a replacement board member in the coming 2 weeks. Fran Bixler, currently Vice President, will fill Ian's vacated President role. The new individual will serve a still-to-be determined officer position until the next regularly scheduled Owners meeting that will take place in March, 2007. While the board already has an individual or two in mind, we do want to notify you of the protocol and solicit any other candidates who wish to be considered. If you have an interest and would like to be considered, please contact any of the current board members by Tuesday, July 18th. Warmly, The Board of Directors, Fran Bixler, Mitch Friedman, Tim Yao and Dale Simonson.