In attendance All Board members were present + four residents (Greg Gustin, Tim Yao, Jan Casiello, Lubaina Raj) 3/7/2006 - CFNA Board and Annual Member Meetings Regular Board Meeting I. Old business Vote on Proposed Rules and Regulations -------------------------------------- No comments from the homeowners on the proposed changes. Formally adopted. There are some homes that do not comply with the new rules. Some Board members will make some informal visits to those homes prior to enforcing the rules. A landscaping company has put together some landscaping packages that are going to be provided as reference (not an endorsement, but the packages fulfill the CFNA rules requirements). Ponds ----- RAI: to send an updated proposal: Board raised concerns about goose mitigation cost increase; RAI likely to reduce their cost. There is a permit to allow RAI to remove the eggs, etc. They asked $2900. Board may request that the Geese Police be added to the permit (they maybe can provide the service for less money); there may be licensing involved as well. Big pond = pond 1 Middle pond = pond 2 Erb farm pond = pond 3 Pond 1: shoreline is eroding around the pond; need to shore up the shoreline. RAI is proposing roughly $60K to do this (there is a cost per lineal foot). Board asked to see a pilot test restoration of a smaller section; RAI agreed. Josh Raisenen to do a walk-around with the Board around the ponds. Interested homeowners are also welcome to join this activity. The mitigation would probably be a combination of mats, wall and plants: * 3000' of shoreline around ponds 1 and 2; $53/foot cost * native plant buffer ($12K). NE quadrant: a lot of weeds and invasive plants in the wetlands area need to be managed. Teasel (sp?) plants. Money has been set aside in the budget for ponds 2 and 3. Over a thousand plants were put in cages around pond 3. Watching for muskrats in the ponds. Concern about muskrats that burrow in and eat the roots of the plants. RAI has proposed muskrat mitigation for $2K; Board has decided to pass for now. Need to start the process of identifying another vendor or two for the shoreline restoration; should have a second or third bid. There is a pond services company west of here that is a possibility. Could be a multi-year increase or a special assessment. Note: $200/home =~ $50K Note: Natural Resource Management has a contract to take care of the area between ponds 2 and 3 where RAI has proposed some work (NRM suggested a burn on the berm; RAI suggested mowing down to the nub, use herbicides and then plant new native plants--RAI says that burning would put the nitrogen back into the soil). NRM is willing to do work that RAI recommends. That area used to be livestock area--very rich in nitrogen. DNR (Department of Natural Resources) or the Morton Arboretum might be able to give a second opinion on this. The Board will insist on vendors mapping areas to be done. II. New Business None III. Adjourned 2006 Annual Members Meeting I. Roll Call of current Board members (all are present) Quorum confirmed (71 proxies including Board members) This was the first time in more than 6 years that there were more candidates than available Board positions. II. Intro of the Candidates Three positions on the Board open: VP, Director-At-Large, Secretary. There are four candidates. Some of the ideas presented in the candidate introductions: * community involvement * open information * fiscal conservatism * community improvement * clubhouse * reducing litigation vulnerability The Board sometimes deals with contentious issues. Twila is thanked for her two years of service to the community. III. Election Results *Fran Bixler: 57 *Dale Simonson: 50 *Tim Yao: 59 Greg Gustin: 26 IV. Adjournment 2006 Annual Board meeting I. Old Business II. New Business - Designate Board positions Five positions President: Ian - conducts meetings, signs contracts and checks Vice President: Fran - provides moral support, does oversight of committees Secretary: Tim - takes notes, keeper of minutes and documents Treasurer: Mitch - signs contracts and checks, designs the budget, oversees spending Director At Large: Dale - takes on projects as necessary Mitch and Dale have worked together to develop the budget. Generally low assessment compared to other neighborhoods. $50K budget reserve. Bylaws and Covenants preclude raising the assessment by more than 15% annually without a supermajority vote (167 homes) of homeowners. * Ponds: Independent, second opinion? City department can give general advice but we don't have any specialists in the subdivision to do the analysis on a detailed basis. The Board decided it was necessary to hire someone to manage the ponds and common area. * Comment: many weeds, too many rocks, grass doesn't grow in the common area/parks area. Board response: e-mail the Board with requests/comments; the Board can try to address some areas. * Note: light is out at the common area; metal box that the light is resting on is broken. North side of the corner of Commons and West. Electrician is scheduled for March 10th. * Need to pick a date to do garbage pick-up (Saturday, April 8th, 8:30 AM) * Comment: re: assessment fees: Would be willing to pay more if we will see improvements to our common areas. Re: recent referendum: per student cost in 203 vs. similar districts isn't as high as many people thought. III. Adjournment