Meeting of the Century Farm Homeowners Association December 10, 2003 at the Fire Station #3, Washington Road just south of Diehl Attending Board Members Ian Carrus, Fran Bixler, Diane Barbret, Mary Beth Nagai and Paul Dorin. Homeowners: Patty Gustin, Lori Sim, David and Joy Jenkins. The meeting was called to order by President Ian Carrus at 7:15 p.m. Minutes were read by Ian, and a motion made by Fran to approve, seconded by Mary Beth. Landscaping Contracts After reviewing all the bids, Pro's Landscaping was the most reasonable. Discussion followed that they should inform us when broadleaf control in applied, as the control was ineffective last year. Also, to inform us if a tree is dead. There was some concern about problems with Pro's last year, but the board agreed that these problems can be corrected by (1) better communication between the company and the board, and (2) withholding payments to Pro's until identified problems have been corrected. However, the board agreed that the contract should have only a one-year term (not two years as proposed by Pro's). Fran motioned that we accept the contract with Pro's (subject to changing the term to one year) and Mary Beth seconded. Dead Tree on William Penn Drive Fran submitted a bid from Kramer Tree Service and it was compared to Steve Pipers Tree Service to remove the willow tree damaged by lightening. Diane made a motion to accept the bid and have work done by Steve Piper. Fran seconded the motion. The cost will be approximately $520.00. Diane will call them ASAP. Budget Mary Beth informed the board that the expense for the website would be higher than budgeted. In addition, the board is requiring additional revenues (as compared to last year) due to contracting with Lieberman to do additional services for the subdivision that heretofore have been performed by the board but which the board no longer has sufficient manpower to perform, such as copying and mailings. Lieberman will also conduct periodic scans of the neighborhood for rules violations and will send notices to the offenders. A reserve study will be conducted this year because it is good business practice every 5 to 7 years (the board has been in existence for 4 years), because the subdivision currently holds reserves of approximately $60,000, and because the board needs professional advice as to how much reserves are appropriate/needed to meet the needs of the subdivision . Monument Lighting Problem The monument lighting on the southwest corner of Commons and West is out. Fran will be in touch with Don Kekstadt to send out the electrician who did the repair on the other monument lights. She will also ask for a free quote to install an electric outlet in both spots should we wish to put out holiday lights. Suggestion was made by a resident to possibly have daffodils planted for bloom in spring in the bare muddy ground area near those monument lights. She will provide us with location to purchase daffodils and Diane will contact Pro's about planting them. Professional Audit Ian presented a proposal from Cray, Kaiser to perform an audit of the subdivision's books and accounts. The price will be between $1900-2400 if done before January 31 or after May 1, 2004. The firm was found through research by Ian's personal accountant who located an accountant with experience in homeowners association auditing. Recommendations by LMS are on the high side as was the case for their landscapers and attorneys. Fran motioned that we accept the proposal for Cray, Kaiser Ltd. to conduct an audit in January and Mary Beth seconded. The proposal was signed and will be submitted by Mary Beth for Cray, Kaiser to begin the audit. Pond Report. Algae is a big problem in the pond behind Erb Farm Court. Ian spent time with Bill Novak, the city engineer for water retention. He sent Ian detailed reports about water monitoring by Raisenen and Associates of all the ponds, which are water retention basins. He spoke to DuPage Department of Development and Environmental Concerns and found that Kimball Hill has met or exceeded all rules and requirements for retention ponds. On November 20, 2003, the ponds were released from Kimball Hill to our association and we have responsibility to maintain them. Ian talked at length with Josh Skolnik from Raisenen and they are willing to do an assessment of the ponds and provide us with an opinion of what actions we can take to remedy the algae problems in the pond off Erb Farm Court. Ian will contact them to begin this quote. The results that were given to Ian, regarding the removal of sediment from this pond, approximated that it would take 1-acre yard of bottom material excavated from the pond to re-establish the pond according to the homeowner's ideal specifications. This would take approximately 400 truckloads and $100,000. (Don Raisonen and Josh Skolnik estimated $100,000 by calculating 43,540 sq ft x 3 ft deep (a yard acre) which is 130,620 cu ft/27 yds/cuft=4838yds. This amount of sediment would be hauled off in 12-15 yd dump trucks equaling 325-403 truckloads. They felt $100,000 total cost might be a good ballpark, but plus/minus depending on the situation once the work started.) Raisonen and Associates feel that they may have less expensive alternative methods available to bring the pond closer to the above expectations. The board is looking forward to their assessment of the pond and their quote for the work. Additional and practical advise is to not use high phosphorus fertilizer in areas adjacent to ponds. Landscaping Requirements Ian gave copies to the board of guidelines written by two residents who did research in other subdivisions. The board will review these and discuss at the next executive board meeting. Once revised, the rules as proposed will be sent to the homeowners for comment on at a scheduled homeowners meeting. Attorney Knuckles is raising his rates. Diane made a motion to terminate their service immediately. Mary Beth seconded the motion. Fran will contact Lieberman to do so and Fran and Mary Beth will research attorneys who are experienced in homeowner's associations' affairs. Newsletter No one has stepped forward to do the newsletter. Patty Gustin volunteered to do so but will need a board member to coordinate information. Communications The board's designates as the official board email address. This will enable board members the use of the archiving system and other services which yahoo provides. There was discrepancy between board members when some were using the wrong e-mail address. Neighborhood Watch Fran will work with a few block captains in the spring. Traffic and Safety It was advised that homeowners along Commons should keep the pressure on the police department and report incidents of speeding if the subdivision needs further speeding control assistance from the city. An article for the newsletter concerning this matter is advised to inform the residents of the issue. Fran made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. and Mary Beth seconded it. Meeting adjourned.