Century Farms Neighborhood Association

2003 Budget Proposal

Budget Budget

2003 2002 Comments for 2003 Budget

4010-Assessments 49,841 49,841 Keep at $197 per home. 253 homes.
4610-Operating Interest 600 400
Total assets 50,441 50,241


8551-Printing 500 500
8552-Postage 500 500
8505-Management Fee 6,000 5,544 $480/month through 4/2003, then budget $510 per month.
8521-Legal Fees 1,000 500
Need Code-Assessment Coupon 132 124 This is for our annual assessment invoice. Invoice charge of approx 253 @ ($.15 invoice + $.37 postage)
8553-Lock Box For Assessment 63 63 253 @ .25 charged by bank for receipt of annual assessment
8530-Audit Fee 1,300 1,300 This includes the annual audit and prep/filing of tax return.
8550-Office Supplies and Expenses (Includes Signs) 500 400 LMS charges for various items.
Total Admin Expense 9,995 9,031


7621-Bulbs, tubes, and timers 50 50 For monument lighting
7210-Electricity 5,000 4,680 We have 4 aerators @ $175 per mo. for 6 mo., and 2 monument lights @ $20 per mo. for 12 mo. May get new aerator so this budget was increased.
8540-Licenses & Fees 5 5 $5 annual incorporation fee
8565-Website Registration and Hosting 200 250 Cost for Hosting web site and registering domain name
8570-Newsletter Postage 400 300 We anticipate doing a newsletter next year
Need Code - Newsletter Printing 300 200 We anticipate doing a newsletter next year
Total Operating Expense 5,955 5,485


7805-Grounds – Landscaping maintenance 11,680 18,500 $1,460 charged only 8 times per year. Same for 2003 may increase in 2004.
Need Code-Grounds - Natural Landscaped Area Maint 9,000 5,500
7810-Additional Landscaping 1,000 1,000 Various projects, like tree replacements.
7832-Pond Maintenance – Aerator Maintenance 11,000 3,000 Need new aerator and may need to replace broken one. This will be very high for 2003 but should come down a lot in 2004.
7831-Pond Maintenance – Chemical Treatments 5,400 3,600 Need more work going forward to control weeds.
Total Maintenance 38,080 31,600 Increase due to need for improved common area maintenance and continued improvements.


8710-Board Indemnity 850 850 Talked to Karyl Foray at Travelers and this should stay the same
Need Code-Umbrella 600 350 Talked to Karyl Foray at Travelers and this should stay the same
Need Code-Package 900 850 Talked to Karyl Foray at Travelers and this should be increased by $50 for 2003. General Liability ($1M per occurrence, $2M aggregate), Fid. bond $25K, Misc. Prop. Damage $10K
Total Tax and Insurance 2,350 2,050

Total Expenses 56,380 48,166

Summary for 2003

Total Assets: 50,441

Total Expenses: 56,380

Profit/(Loss): (5,939)

Money Put into Replacement Reserve: 1,500

Balance Test

Total Assets: 50,441


Expenses: 56,380

Use of Some Retained Earnings: (7,439) <- Actual 2002 assets are estimated to exceed actual 2002 expenses
8805-Money Moved to Replacement Reserve: 1,500 by $8,000 so we will use the 2002 "profit" to offset 2003 expenses and
Total Liabilities: 50,441 keep assessments the same for 2003. Part of this is due to projects that

were scheduled to be completed in 2002 but will not be completed until 2003.
Note that there are additional reserves remaining even after applying the 2002 profit to offset 2003 expenses. The Board is planning on conducting

a study to assess the appropriate level of the reserve that should be maintained going forward. The study will occur in 2003 or 2004.